September 21, 2015 / Uncategorized
Milky Way Photos from Vernon Kal Park
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Don’t get me wrong – the lens I’d really like is the Rokinon 14mm f/2.8. An awesome low aperture manual focus lens for those elusive milky way shots. Perhaps I’ll get one for myself for my birthday (Oct 14, can you believe it?)
These photos were taken with the sigma 35mm f/1.4. That’s a lens not really renowned for its dynamic range. That being said, the milky way was still pretty obvious. I was surprised – there is reportedly a lot of light pollution in Coldstream, BC. However, Kal Provincial has this strange assortment of mountains that kind of keeps it out. No one was more taken aback than this guy.
The Sigma is extremely hard to keep focussed. It just kinda runs off and does its own thing.
So that’s all I really have for you.
Sign ups for classes are going great. If you’re free in October, I really recommend you take a look and get yourself some photography classes. They’re crazy fun. and you get to meet new people.
The positive response on instagram and twitter have been overwhelming. If you’d like to see more, consider liking my page on facebook, or adding me on google plus! I’ll see you in three days.