October 3, 2015 / Uncategorized
A Few Magazines, a Maternity Shoot
Usually in October, I kick up my feet. I buy some overpriced whisky, start a book or two, and let the month take me. It’s normally a relaxed month.
Not this month, though. Even today – I had meant to finish and post the paper bouquet wedding. But another wedding snuck in. And gearing up for photography lessons on Oct 5 – last chance to sign up if you haven’t already!
I wasn’t really prepared for what greeted me yesterday morning. I knew YLW magazine was interested in running a few photos I had taken. This isn’t extraordinary, I get published almost every month. However:
Yup, two magazines in one day!
How exciting! The COVER of YLW magazine, and Brides UK. They even had a nice (albeit small) writeup about me.
Well, pretty exciting stuff. Even though it was totally unexpected, I’m not going to argue.
So what’s next? Well, shooting some head shots with Ratchet and Wrench. And just finished a rather gorgeous maternity shoot.
I feel maternity shoots might be my thing. They’re the one thing I’ve come close to enjoying as much as weddings. As with every wedding, my favorite part is the formals – (or the nuptials, for you English folk reading the blog.) I get some time alone with the bride and groom, and we can make some really beautiful photographs.
So for you killjoys that would rather skip this content and go straight to the photos, click here. That will take you straight to the gallery.
Our location was gorgeous Fintry, BC. Even though it’s a bit of a drive, I’ve been wanting to shoot there for a while. There’s a few old barn houses, and some gorgeous trees.
See the placement of the watermarks? That’s how you do it right. Watermarks should be small and unobtrusive. If your watermark is large and obnoxious, in the middle of the image, you’re for sure doing it wrong.
There’s a lot of debate as to if there should be color in your watermark. I shy away from, but I’ve seen a few photographers incorporate a splash of color. As long as it doesn’t mess up your color theory, you should be good to go.
I always make sure to provide a few black and white’s. The conversion process, done correctly, isn’t simple. Sure is pretty, though.
Fintry has it all. Large, open, fields. In my last maternity shoot, we took quite a few shots there as well!
Well, I’m going to leave it there. I’ve got a wedding to shoot in an hour and a half. I’m also looking at re-designing the website if I have some free time in January. As always, I want to thank you all for reading this far. All your support has been overwhelming. As a guy who just wants to take great photos, every one of you blog readers has had part in turning my dream into a reality. Thank you so much. <3
If you like what you see, consider following me on instagram and twitter. If you’d like to see EVEN MORE, consider liking my page on facebook, or adding me on google plus! Or heck, send out an inquiry! I’m shooting engagements and family photos right now. See you in three days!