February 26, 2015 / Celebration Photography family engagement black and white bride marriage ceremony British Columbia Church evening
A Winter Wonderland Wedding in Canada
It seems to be a common misconception in the States that Canada is always cold. At -15, we’re just getting out our suntan gear and we start frequenting beaches. Then we have winter weddings, and I’d say we’re not proving them wrong.
The wedding started out at the Best Western, off Highway 97. I’ve done a few weddings at this venue, and they’ve got a pretty cool creek with christmas lights strewn up for good measure. There’s an indoor pool right in the middle of the garden in the venue, making all of my weddings extra interesting.
As soon as I got into the bridal suit, this little ninja decided to show me my reflection. All I could see was a Canon 5d, which is just the way I like it.
The dress was white, with an ice blue sash. The flower on it completed the look. I was excited to see how my bride would look in such a gorgeous dress.
To complete the look, the bouquets were white and ice blue. Every detail was thought of. I’m a bit of a planner myself, so I like every detail considered. This made the detail orientated photographer in me happy!
Flower girls were in full swing! You couldn’t make them calm down! Their dresses had blue flower petals sewn into them, and they had fur shawls. It reminded me of a Russian wedding in that respect. Except Canada isn’t as cold. Yet. We’re catching up to you, Russians!
Few more shots of the flower girls, then it’s time to head to our venue!
It was a charming church in Coldstream, BC.
The groom and our lovely wedding officiator held their breath…..
And our lovely bride came along!
Poetry, glances, and laugher all happened in this tiny beautiful chapel in Coldstream, BC.
One of my favorite parts of a wedding is capturing the way the bride and groom look at each other. It’s beautiful. You can see the love in their eyes, as if nothing else matters for a short while except for this commit they make to each other.
Then it’s time to fit the rings and come down the aisle!
Outside, many hugs were exchanged. I managed to capture a few candid moments. The bride and groom were sneaking kisses, and this wedding photographer wasn’t going to miss that!
A few group photos, then some shots of the flower girl.
Then off to Kal Beach for the formals!
Freezing cold, but my Bride and Groom were amazing! I love making unique memories in the Okanagan, and this was no different. Part of being a wedding photographer is knowing every location in the area. This was no different.
Back to the Best Western to finish the night. Great day, great venue, and great couple. Time to get ready for the next wedding!