November 25, 2015 / Uncategorized
Grad Shoots and Winter Wonderland
I’m particularly pleased with the photo above. I love grad shoots, and I especially love good color theory. This photo combines both.
This whole hasn’t been all roses, though. My spam filter was filtering out inquiries from my page! If you’re one of those inquiries, I apologize. I think I got back to everyone though.
The students had their last photography lesson on Monday, too. This was sad. I love this group especially. Our last assignment was to backlight your subject. I think they did especially well.
You’re going to see me at the Village Green Mall soon! On saturday, you can get your photos taken with Santa for $15. That includes a 4×7 print!
I’m still booking winter shoots, and they’re turning out just fine. I’m in love with the way the gold filters through the trees.
Not everyone has as much fun as we do, though. ;-D
Well, I’ll leave you there.. Any comments, feel free to post them in my facebook. Feel free to follow my twitter, instagram, google plus, 50opx, linkedin, facebook, or blog. See you in a few days!