September 1, 2015 / Uncategorized
Sparkling Hill Elopements and Familes
Hey everyone! Two days late on updating the blog. I’ve been a busy frug, though. Wedding yesterday in Kelowna (Tara and Dan – check out their engagement shoot if you’d like to know what you’re in for) and an elopement at Sparking Hills!
We even got some awesome ring shots….
Even though it was an elopement, I found it important to run it like any other wedding. We did the ceremony, formals, first look. They were just all in a little different order!
Tanika was, of course, nervous.
But there were big hugs waiting for her. The look on her fiance’s face was priceless.
They’re a cute couple. This is right in Sparkling Hills. She told me they were going to the wine train afterwards, which sounds like a just great way to spend a wedding day!
We took some photos at the gorgeous predator ridge golf course. Pretty awesome how everyone will pause their game so you can take some wedding photos. Hats off to you friendly golfers! You give Vernon a great name!
The sun was just rising, but it was smokey. Still, I found it beautiful.
We even had a special little guest!
Way too late, preying mantis. Too late! Plus we heard about your last husband. 🙁
The shoot was really heartful. I put my heart and soul into my weddings, and this one was no different. I was very pleased with the photos in the end and THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, the couple loved them too. If you’d like to see them all, pop over to my pixieset.
We weren’t finished yet! I had an awesome family shoot coming up at the cove. That was fun too. Tonya’s kids were awesome. Climbing all over everything the way happy kids do.
The smoke was still apparent, but the sun setting cast a neat looking shadow.
It was the best way to end my day. I really enjoyed myself. Now today, I’ve got a LOT of photos to edit, gym, and a private tutoring session. Woohoo! Thanks for reading everyone!
If you’d like to stay updated, consider adding me on Facebook, Instagram, or Google Plus. Have an awesome day, and I’ll see in my next update in three days!