September 7, 2015 / Uncategorized Celebration Photography Okanagan British Columbia turtle mountain Vernon
Vernon Turtle Mountain Vineyard Wedding
Well, in Vernon we have more than our share of vineyards. This is an amazing, wonderful achievement, as it mixes my two favorite things – wine and weddings. This is about a particularly beautiful vineyard – Turtle Mountain Vineyard.
If you’re new here, check out the engagement shoot by clicking here. Also a ton of fun!
Important to note – this isn’t the only wedding I’ve shot this year at turtle mountain! Click here to see the other one. It’s stunning.
Alright, time for some photos.
This is the first time I’ve done rings on candy. The venue was right below the bridal suite, giving me access to all kinds of candy for breakfast/ring purposes.
The dress wasn’t far off. The venue was decorating with these beautiful lights.
Heading upstairs, I took a few shots of the girls getting ready before I was off to the boy’s house!
Activity everywhere! Shoes were being cleaned, shirts were ironed. More candy was served.
Not long after, we were ready.
Our dashing groom looked dashing.
A normal group shot….
…then one of the groomsmen asked me which shot I hated the most. I told him it was the jump shot, so we did a jump shot. We rocked it.
Ironically, he’s the only one not jumping here. Still, though. How fun are jump shots. Next I drove to the girl’s house. Time to get some dress assemblage photos! (I hope anyone who googles “dress assemblage” is really happy something came up.)
Kids were getting ready. <3 kids.
The mood was light. We were ahead of schedule, everyone was really enjoying themselves.
Morgen was busy making sure Amber looked just perfect. I can’t think of a more important part of a wedding than a mother. She was wonderful the whole day, particularly during the family photos. No one can arrange family members like a mom!
Before we knew it, we were ready to go. We made sure to get a few more formals before hittin’ the isle.
Amber was really stunning. A little nervous, but who isn’t just before the big day?
She looked absolutely amazing. I know I talk all the time about how I love weddings, but lets talk more about how much I love weddings. The amount of planning, a wedding dress lovingly picked. Co-ordination, vendors, the location, and even the parents join in. Every wedding is a momentous occasion. I don’t, for a second, ever forget what I’m lucky enough to be part of.
The ceremony was simple and beautiful. And, as always, over too quickly.
I always ask, “Will you make a receiving line?” Even if they don’t want a receiving line, it is of course happening. Absolutely it is.
And here we have a group shot. I’m not sure how many of you remember this, but I got my leg stuck in a chair. I’m not even kidding. I was standing on a chair, then I guess from the slight rain, I slipped backwards. The bridesmaids rushed to help me and we got it out pretty quick. That’s not really something I choose to be embarrassed about. It was a mistake anyone with extremely large feet could make.
Here’s a group shot. Slight gap between the bride and groom, but other than that I really nailed it. Plus we got the little guy on the bottom left to look. Awesome!
We got some great kinda goofy shots. It was a challenge, because there’s so many of them. Everyone had a great sense of humour and injected a bit of their wacky personality into the shot.
Bridesmaids and groomsmen shots were particularly well. The wind made us look like supermodels.
Probably the top notch makeup, hair, and overall good looking party had something to do with it too.
A few formals, and then it’s time to hit the venue and get some food in us!
We were getting just the right mix of diffused and harsh light. My personal preference is hard light, because it adds more textures. Especially to the background. With clouds, I have to work harder to get depth.
I love lens flare. This was a love hate relationship. Back in the day, when lenses were far more terrible, I’d get lens flare even if the slightest sun in my image. Now it’s intentional. I’ve got to work for it. So, because it’s rare, I like it again.
Time to see the cake!
Detail on this cake was amazing. I ended up having a little photo shoot with the cake. Who ended up keeping the top layer of their cake for their golden anniversary? Let me know in the comments.
Everyone was getting busy. A few friends of mine asked me to take a portrait of them, so I did. Fun fact: If you see me at a wedding, and you’re a guest, feel free to grab me at the reception and ask for a portrait. Every guest gets every picture, that’s my motto. It might take me a little while to get around to you, but I will, and you’ll have an awesome portrait.
And then I might sneak another one later on.
I really hope those two get married. I very much want to shoot their wedding.
It was time to cut the cake. It was cute, and all the kids were lined up in front to get their piece.
Looks like we’ve got another photographer into it too!
At this time, the wedding splits off. Like the final season of survivor. Outside, grandma and grandpa were having their own special dance. The kids were transfixed by minecraft. Someone was eating their cake while looking off into the city lights. The photo booth was getting a lot of use. Folks were taking selfies at their tables. Dancers were dancing.
This picture below is a wedding tradition. I love wedding traditions. I also love finally finding that perfect place on the ceiling to bounce my flash so the photos don’t look too dark.
A just like that, the night was over.
My favorite closing shot. It was an amazing evening, full of candy and some of my favorite people ever.
This is a lot of photos, but it’s not all the photos. If you’d like to see the whole shebang, click here.
In other news, keep your eyes on YLW Vancouver magazine – I’ll be on the front page, and there’s even a chance to win a FREE 1hR photo session with me! Or, take a look at my many, many packages to schedule your own shoot!
If you’d like to stay updated, consider adding me on Facebook, Instagram, or Google Plus. Have an awesome day, and I’ll see in my next update in three days!