July 16, 2017 / Uncategorized
The VW Bus Wedding at the Lavender Farm Sampler
Our adventure begins in Kelowna, in a family owned lavender farm. I’ve been shooting weddings for a good long time, and so there’s not many brand new venues to me. These usually off limit locations people find for their wedding are so exciting to me.
Our bride and groom’s story start at Telegraph Cove. It was there that their first date occurred, with our groom’s friend tagging along as chaperone, from what I hear. There were a lot of great stories. On this day, we made more of our own.
Note this lovely ring box. From the moment I saw this, I knew it’d be a very fancy event. Fortunately, fancy weddings are my speciality. In fact, in high school I was voted boy most like to be fancy.
With five bridesmaids, and parents, plus two hairstylists to boot, the house was filled with busy workers and mimosas. The dresses were hung, all ready for their big day. One of the bridesmaids dropped a nondescript package into our bride’s hands.
Grooms, take note. That was the moment I realized this was also going to be a very sentimental wedding. The hand written letter was complete with artfully drawn emojis. Time was running out, though. We had to get the dress on.
This lovely bride pulled off this two piece with style. Fun nerdy fact: I used primary color theory here, which means there’s only one colour. This is to simplify the shot.
Everyone did their part to look their best. And they looked stunning. Let’s just talk about this bouquet for a moment.
I might have taken a lot more photos of this arrangement. This’ll be fine for this sampler. A sampler is just some of my favourite photos of the day, after a quick look over. For the whole album, you’ll have to wait a few weeks! It’s going to be tough, but these albums can take up to 60 hours to edit. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes.
Before long, though, we had a freshly married bride and groom. As tradition dictates, we decorated up the VW bug and got some photos. Fun fact – this was actually purchased by the Bride’s parents and used for years. This is a well loved VW.
I ran off with the bridal party and proceeded to get some amazing formals. I just skipped this section of the sampler because I’d just want to show you the whole thing. Here’s one.
Before long, it was time for some photos with the bride and groom. Many people don’t know this, but the Kelowna Lavender Gardens has a hedge maze. This could possibly be because not many people return to spread the word. We’re not sure why. If you haven’t experienced a hedge maze yet, I encourage you to check it out.
We did. A little haze added that effect I was looking for, that little ingredient.
We took off to the forest, where the low sun give us just the light direction we needed for this dramatic shot.
Back at the venue, the energy couldn’t be contained. There were so many moments. The kids were running around, high on the excitement and sugar.
The first dance took place during sunset, and everyone was amazed at the secret choreographed dance finally revealed. Our groom didn’t miss a single step, and the crowd went wild at the end. The sun slowly lowered, painting the enthusiastic crowd in gold and white.
The father-daughter dance was purposeful, and meaningful. All the expression in the world was on this man’s face.
And so this is where I’ll have to leave you. Believe it or not, that was 20 images. That’s a bit bigger than most sneak peaks. 🙂
Keep in mind, this is only a sampler – for the full gallery, you’ll have to wait a few weeks! Expect a highlights album in two weeks (or so). If you personally know the bride and groom, feel free to contact me here. Let me know who you are, along with the bride and groom’s name, and I’ll make sure you get a link to the finished album!
If you know someone who’d like to see this sneak peak, feel free to click one of the share buttons on the top, to share and tag them! Although I try to get the word out, most people don’t know about these samplers. 🙂
If you’d like to keep a picture, even on mobile, just click it and it will open in a separate window. You can save it from there.
Lastly, if you’d like to stay updated, feel free to follow me on Instagram, facebook, twitter, or Tumblr for frequent updates. Talk to you all in a few days!