October 24, 2015 / Inspiration Tips
Weddings, Word Porn, and Engagements
I never knew
holding someone’s hand
could feel so inviting.
so familiar
and so new at the same time.
Holding your hand,
I celebrate it,
I mark it on the calendars.
-Anita Krizzan-
Word porn is going to be my new thing. Enjoy it. It’s not going anywhere. Until I start shooting weddings again in February, this is how we do it. 😀
Ah, going through old images makes me warm and fuzzy. There’s a lot to be said about shooting weddings in Vancouver. Check out http://goo.gl/54q1tA for the entire wedding. And while you’re at it, how about a follow on the ‘ol instagram?
We’re gearing up for Santa photos soon! Although I love family shoots, there’s very few families that would like to go outside at -20 and take photos. I’m all into it, but they’re not for some reason. I do have a maternity shoot coming up, though. In December. I’ve got big things planned. It might or might not involve a snowblower. Also two engagement shoots – one is going to be up on silver star, and the other one…we’re running out to a waterfall to take photos! I scouted out the place on Wednesday, and I couldn’t be happier.
I’d love to have pulled off a longer exposure, but unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Too much light means we have to cap it somewhere. In the summer, I plan to go camping there. I ordered in a Canon Wide Angle lens, so photos should look pretty stellar. I might have to grab a flashlight to make it even visible, though.
That’s all for now. Remember, if you’re looking to book a photo shoot, you’ve only got two months left to save the tax! Take a look at the price list here!